
Guérande, France

Email partner
Akrocean Logo
  • Data Buoys
  • Metocean Data
  • Wind & Solar Measurement
  • Conservation
  • Education & Research
  • Maritime
  • Utilities & Renewables


Akrocean delivers ocean data as a service through their fleet of self-powered data buoys. The buoys are modular, and equipped to capture all types of metocean and environmental data. Designed to be self-sufficient, the deployed buoys can operate for multiple years without needing any human intervention.

Windsea is a floating LiDAR service for wind resource assessment and metocean measurements. Fly’rsea is a floating RADAR solution for bird detection and environmental assessment. Seaobs is the combination of the two, and can host a large range of sensors able to monitor any parameter at your project site.

Akrocean utilize the RockREMOTE to backhaul their data; RockREMOTE is designed for larger volumes of IoT data, and leverages the truly global Iridium Certus 100 airtime service, ensuring that Akrocean’s customers get their data reliably, and close to real-time.

Contact details


  • Data Buoys
  • Metocean Data
  • Wind & Solar Measurement


  • Conservation
  • Education & Research
  • Maritime
  • Utilities & Renewables

Become a Partner

Our team provides technical experience and know-how to enable businesses to adopt satellite successfully. Our products enable rapid hardware prototyping, and simple APIs within our platform Cloudloop facilitate data transfer to AWS, Azure, and other popular destinations.

We have the scale to access great pricing, and we promote self-service through the Cloudloop platform.

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